The Best Astro Numerologist In India: Guiding You to Success


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The power of VCAN®

Best Astro Numerologist In India

Sanjivv Gandhi is undoubtedly one of the best astro numerologist in India. His years of experience, extensive knowledge, and personalized approach have made him a trusted advisor to many.

His guidance has helped countless individuals achieve their dreams and lead a fulfilling life.

VCAN® has also received accolades and recognition from various prestigious organizations, further cementing its position as the best astro numerologist in India.

Valued services
Now made available for you

Take a tour with some of our special services to discover,
how you can make your business reach its highest potential.

Free Services

Initial subscribers stand at an advantage to gain from the exclusive proprietary algorithm that delivers results backed by complex mathematical permutations and combinations. Experience the accuracy of the prestigious VCAN® science complimentary for a limited period, exclusively for you through the services listed here.


Vehicle Number

Have a smooth drive with the best vehicle number.

Mobile Number

Make great connections with an ideal mobile number.

Bank Account Number

Bring prosperity home with a lucky bank account number.

The VCAN® guidance

What your business needs during Covid-19

The Covid-19 situation has been quite unforgiving for most of us. Businesses have seen a total downturn and unanticipated tough days.
With signs of uncertainty still looming large, fear and anxiety around sustenance seems to have taken over things around us.
At such a time when things appear to be spiraling out of control without any definite sign of a return to normalcy, the VCAN® science can come in handy for planning the course of your business going forward.
As operational changes may be easy to spot and execute, modifying the energy of your business space,
its design and its offerings, can yield benefits you did not think were possible.

The VCAN® Success Story


Shipping Company’s Sale

A major shipping company was stuck in a situation where they could not sell their ship for a long time even though they had many prospective buyers lining up. There was always something or the other that came in the way and the deal would not go through. But after consulting with Sanjivv, and taking his advise based on the VCAN® science to change the name of the ship and the design and colour of the logo, the company was also advised on the favourable country to look for buyers. The result? The ship was sold within a short span of time at the expected cost.


E-com Player’s Turnaround

A popular e-commerce company wasn’t recording the figures they had set for a while.

That’s when they decided to consult Sanjivv and consider his VCAN® model. And it surprised them about how fast things turned around for them after they changed the colour of their logo based on his advice.


Chemical Company’s Success Saga

A leading speciality chemical company was advised by Sanjivv to make a few changes in their office space on the basis of the VCAN® approach for easy flow of energy and to improve productivity. Along with that, the company was also advised on a favourable name, logo and date of incorporation for a new joint venture. And almost immediately the company started seeing results in its numbers and performance.